

Humans can’t win any war, ever!

My friend,

My neighbour,

My enemy,

My sister,

All live around me

Like people,

Like me,

Like one and all,

With hair,

With eyes,

With fear

And the occasional tear

I love,

She loves,

They love,

We love

And occasionally we fight deadlier,

Proudly first,

Tired and frightened in the end,

But too late for the dead,

Of course,

And to right the wrongs

While the lessons of war

Became an extended loop;

As if reason could be resuscitated,

After being shot through the heart,

By pouncing it repeatedly,

Unfortunately it never happened

And my enemy is no more,

And my friend is no more,

And my sister is no more,

And my neighbour is no more,

And I will be, too, no more

If I can’t declare war illegal

Oftenlly we should dare... peacefully!


© Richard Man – 2024-07-30/31 


INFLUENTiAL: a tale of modern meanness!

Once upon a web, there were people preaching values without any value. They are fronting the backwards movement, teaching their followers how to channel likes-money into their pockets in exchange of mental mayhem first, and mental paralyzes afterwards.

Very articulate in nothingness and willing to forgo most basic decency, they fill their dreamers, another adjective for the blind crowd of followers, with enough prejudice and malice that the devil, quite certainly, will be out of a job, and his future looks bleak; he may, even, be considered a saint, pretty soon, if we manage to have a good look at this devious matter.

'It's the education, stupid!'



Now that everybody’s surrender to the not so obvious iconic picture of the man conquering nothing -I believe many compare it with the Iwo Jima display of the American flag by brave soldiers- but a few more years of the same life, I would love to see the frail one to get it and say out loud: ‘Kamala, it’s time for a woman to take over where men failed over and over again. I quit and may you bring wisdom to this nation and, therefore, to the world too. Thank you and goodbye!’ That's what I would call a brave wise move!

I do not condone violence, but for a man who wants to be president of a country to say ‘fight!’ and show up a fist, the very first words after an attempted assassination… he isn’t talking about the Russians but its own folk -at least half of the country, the ones who don’t vote for him. Humility does not come easy. That is very sad.



Comportamentos machistas, piadas grosseiras e piropos abusivos, faziam parte do dia-a-dia de alguns dos meus amigos trolhas, quando fui trolha entre 1983 e 1986. Na altura isso deixava-me envergonhado, revoltado, até me escondia por detrás das paredes inacabadas. Mas em 2024 os trolhas são muito mais bem educados. Mais bem educados que alguns deputados.

P.S. ainda não é permitida a liberdade de expressão nas galerias do Parlamento, e os visitantes que ousam expressar-se são retirados a bem ou a mal, podendo incorrer em processos judiciais... Dúvidas?



The only thing keeping the royals busy it’s charity! If there weren’t people in need they would have been outdated, and gone, long ago.

The same with philanthropy, if it wasn’t for charity they would have a lot of explaining to do. Perhaps paying a bit more taxes too.


Anyway, like earth’s natural resources can’t keep up with demand, so society can’t keep up with inequality, injustice and especially with consumerism to keep afloat a business model that has been so deadly for nature and humanity, but for the lobby powers it can command. Business as usual should be declared a crime against humanity.


Traição à pátria, turcos preguiçosos, um presidente da assembleia da república que não distingue liberdade de expressão de respeito, e outras pedras preciosas que enchem os nossos sapatos, mas sem qualquer valor pecuniário. Só mesmo mau andar, doloroso mesmo.



A palavra mais perversa, usada para tudo, é a ‘média’. A sua aplicação traz problemas a todos os humanos, em especial aqueles que nasceram emocionalmente sensíveis e não têm culpa nenhuma disso, ainda por cima não é algo que se possa, ou deva, mudar.


Dizer que a média poluição por ser humano é x; quando metade das pessoas polui 30 vezes mais, e a outra metade polui 30 vezes menos, é, obviamente, errado. 

Também poderia acrescentar mais três razões: 1) os que poluem mais deviam poluir menos; 2) os que poluem menos deveriam ter benefícios para continuar a poluir menos; 3) as consequências nefastas afetam muito mais os que poluem menos.


Dizer que a média alimentação por ser humano é x; quando metade das pessoas come 5 vezes mais, e a outra metade come 4 vezes menos, é, obviamente, errado. 

Também poderia acrescentar mais três razões: 1) os que comem mais deviam comer menos; 2) os que comem menos deveriam comer o suficiente para ter uma vida saudável; 3) as consequências nefastas afetam ambos.